Letter from Liander and the municipality of Amsterdam

**Please note: The translation of the summary in preparation for the meeting, is still work in progress. Expected date of publication is April 4th.**

Subject: Invitation to information meeting on Rhijnspoor electricity substation

Date: March 28th 2025

Dear resident or business owner,

We are pleased to invite you to an information meeting on the upgrade of the electricity substation at Deymanstraat 5, Amsterdam, to be held on the evening of Wednesday 16 April 2025.

What will this information meeting be about? 
During this meeting we will inform you about how the project has progressed since the previous meeting on 2 October 2024. In the neighbourhood survey conducted after that meeting people asked questions and made suggestions relating to the design. The design suggestions for the electricity substation arising from the neighbourhood survey were passed on to the architect. If you attend the next meeting, you will be able to talk to the architect and give your reactions to the draft design. The architect will talk you through the design choices that were made and the reasons behind them. Lastly, we will look ahead at the schedule and there will be an opportunity for discussion.

About this information meeting 

Date: evening of Wednesday 16 April 2025


  • 7 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.: reception with coffee and tea.
  • 7.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.: presentation (in Dutch) with opportunity to ask questions.
  • 8.30 p.m. – 9 p.m.: to conclude, there will be a chance to talk to the architect and employees from Liander and the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Location: Volkshotel, Wibautstraat 150

There is no need to register.

Please note: the presentation will start at 7.30 p.m.

What information is already available?

In the neighbourhood survey people asked numerous questions about the plans for the upgrade of the electricity substation. The answers to these questions can be found here:

Here we have answered the questions arising from the neighbourhood survey as best we can. If there is anything missing, please let us know at rhijnspoor@liander.nl or during the meeting.  

Stay up to date via the BouwApp

The neighbourhood survey also revealed that people would like to be kept informed via different channels. You can follow the development of this project and ask questions via the BouwApp. We will do our best to respond within three working days. 

How to follow the project in the BouwApp:

  • Scan the QR code or download the app free of charge from the app store
  • In the app search for ‘Vernieuwing elektriciteitsstation Rhijnspoor’ (‘Upgrade of Rhijnspoor electricity substation’)
  • Click on the project and on ‘volgen’ (‘follow’)


Do you have a question or comment ahead of the meeting? If so, you can contact us via the BouwApp or at rhijnspoor@liander.nl.

We look forward to seeing you on 16 April!

Best regards,

Ruben Nijlant, Stakeholder Manager at Liander 

Manon van der Fange, Official Commissioning Officer at the Municipality of Amsterdam