Get your free smart meter

Upgrading your energy meter(s). Make sure your meter box is fit for the future – free of charge.

Dear Sir/Madam,

You have one or more energy meters installed in your home. We want to make sure that these meters continue to work correctly. You can read more about this in this letter.

Your electricity and/or gas meter no longer meet(s) the requirements of the Metrology Act
The Metrology Act lays down strict requirements for energy meters. Our annual check has shown that your electricity and/or gas meter no longer meet(s) these requirements. To prevent faults from occurring, we are replacing old meters and you will receive a new electricity and/or gas meter free of charge. That means you can be confident that your energy meters are measuring accurately and you are paying for exactly what you consume. You can opt for a smart energy meter or a digital meter with four displays.

If we are unable to replace your energy meters, we have to report this to Agentschap Telecom (Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands), which monitors compliance with the Metrology Act on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

We would like to visit you (on the date and time in your personal letter)
It will take roughly an hour and a half to complete this work. You will not be able to use electricity and/or gas while the work is in progress.

You can rearrange your appointment using this personal code: (code in your personal letter)
Is this time inconvenient? If so, you can rearrange your appointment easily yourself. Go to and log in using the personal login code shown above. You can then choose a new time. You can also make a new appointment over the phone by calling: 088 76 258 60.

Would you like us to call you if we are delayed?
If you enter your telephone number at, we will be able to contact you if the engineer is unexpectedly delayed.

Who is Liander?
Liander is your network operator. We are working to develop an energy network that meets the demands of today and tomorrow. In this way we are ensuring that 3.2 million Dutch households and businesses can use electricity and gas.

Final points
You will find more information about smart meters at Do you have any further questions? If so, please go to

Yours sincerely,

Liander N.V.
Director Consumer and Small Business